Fountain Retrofit static factory

This module provides a Listing component based on a Retrofit call implementation.

Network Support Listing Creator for paged endpoints

A Listing with Network support for paged endpoints can be created invoking createNetworkListing.

  networkDataSourceAdapter: RetrofitNetworkDataSourceAdapter<out ListResponse<out NetworkValue>>,
  firstPage: Int = FountainConstants.DEFAULT_FIRST_PAGE,
  ioServiceExecutor: Executor = FountainConstants.NETWORK_EXECUTOR,
  pagedListConfig: PagedList.Config = FountainConstants.DEFAULT_PAGED_LIST_CONFIG

There's only one required structure, RetrofitNetworkDataSourceAdapter<out ListResponse<Value>>, which Fountain uses to handle the paging.

In addition, there are some optional parameters that you can define:

  • firstPage: Int: The initial page number, by default its value is 1.

  • ioServiceExecutor : Executor: The executor that will be used to make the service call. By default, the library will use a pool of 5 threads.

  • pagedListConfig: PagedList.Config: The paged list configuration.

    In this object you can specify several options, for example the pageSize and the initialPageSize.

Network Support Listing Creator for not paged endpoints

A Listing with Network support for paged not endpoints can be created invoking createNetworkListing.

  notPagedRetrifitPageFetcher: NotPagedRetrifitPageFetcher<out ListResponse<out NetworkValue>>,
  ioServiceExecutor: Executor = FountainConstants.NETWORK_EXECUTOR

There's only one required structure, NotPagedRetrifitPageFetcher<out ListResponse<Value>>, which Fountain uses to handle the paging.

Additionally you can specify the ioServiceExecutor : Executor. It's the executor that'll be used to make the service call.

Cache + Network Support Listing Creator for paged endpoints

A Listing with Cache + Network Support for paged endpoints can be created invoking the createNetworkWithCacheSupportListing

  networkDataSourceAdapter: RetrofitNetworkDataSourceAdapter<out ListResponse<out NetworkValue>>,
  cachedDataSourceAdapter: CachedDataSourceAdapter<NetworkValue, DataSourceValue>,
  ioServiceExecutor: Executor = FountainConstants.NETWORK_EXECUTOR,
  ioDatabaseExecutor: Executor = FountainConstants.DATABASE_EXECUTOR,
  firstPage: Int = FountainConstants.DEFAULT_FIRST_PAGE,
  pagedListConfig: PagedList.Config = FountainConstants.DEFAULT_PAGED_LIST_CONFIG

There are two required components:

  1. A CachedDataSourceAdapter<Value> to take control of the DataSource.

In addition, there are some optional parameters that you can define:

  • firstPage: Int: The initial page number, by default its value is 1.

  • ioServiceExecutor : Executor: The executor through which the service call will be made By default, the library will use a pool of 5 threads.

  • ioDatabaseExecutor : Executor: The executor through which the database transactions will be made. By default the library will use a single thread executor.

  • pagedListConfig: PagedList.Config: The paged list configuration.

    In this object you can specify several options, for example the pageSize and the initialPageSize.

Cache + Network Support Listing Creator for not paged endpoints

A Listing with Cache + Network Support for paged endpoints can be created invoking the createNetworkWithCacheSupportListing

  notPagedRetrifitPageFetcher: NotPagedRetrifitPageFetcher<out ListResponse<out NetworkValue>>,
  cachedDataSourceAdapter: CachedDataSourceAdapter<NetworkValue, DataSourceValue>,
  ioServiceExecutor: Executor = FountainConstants.NETWORK_EXECUTOR,
  ioDatabaseExecutor: Executor = FountainConstants.DATABASE_EXECUTOR

There are two required components:

  1. A CachedDataSourceAdapter<Value> to take control of the DataSource.

In addition, there are some optional parameters that you can define:

  • ioServiceExecutor : Executor: The executor through which the service call will be made. By default, the library will use a pool of 5 threads.

  • ioDatabaseExecutor : Executor: The executor through which the database transactions will be made. By default the library will use a single thread executor.

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