Including in Project

Fountain has a number of artifacts that you can include in the project.

Retrofit module: Uses a simple Retrofit call to fetch the pages.

Coroutine module: Uses a Coroutine Retrofit adapter to fetch the pages.

RxJava2 module: Uses a RxJava2 Retrofit adapter to fetch the pages.

These modules are independent and none of them are strictly required.

Add the repository

This repo is used to publish the artifacts. It also enables dynamic builds, allowing you to specify specific branches or commit hashes of the project to include outside of normal releases.

allProjects {
  repositories {
    // required to find the project's artifacts
    maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    // This dependency is required only if you want to use a Retrofit service without a special adapter. 
    implementation 'com.github.xmartlabs.fountain:fountain-retrofit:${fountain_version}'

    // This dependency is required only if you want to use a Coroutine retrofit adapter.
    implementation 'com.github.xmartlabs.fountain:fountain-coroutines:${fountain_version}'

    // This dependency is required only if you want to use a RxJava2 retrofit adapter.
    implementation 'com.github.xmartlabs.fountain:fountain-rx2:${fountain_version}'

Last updated