
The Retrofit Network Adapters are structures based on Retrofit's engine, that are used to handle the network request.

Retrofit Network Adapters for paged endpoints.

Retrofit Page Fetcher

The RetrofitPageFetcher is used to fetch each page from the service.

interface RetrofitPageFetcher<T : ListResponse<*>> {
  fun fetchPage(page: Int, pageSize: Int): Call<T>

This interface has only one method which is used to fetch every page. The library will invoke it with two parameters:

  • page: The number of the page to be requested

  • pageSize: The page size.

    This parameter must be respected, usually the initial load page size has a different pageSize than the other requests.

    *If the server doesn't support a custom pageSize, you have to setup the PagedList.Config to use the same page size for all requests.

    You can do it by setting pageSize in the setInitialLoadSizeHint() method.

    The InitialLoadSizeHint must be a multiple of the page size.

    This configuration can be set in the Fountain factory.*

This method returns a Call<out ListResponse<*>, that the library will use to fetch a specific page.


The RetrofitNetworkDataSourceAdapter is a NetworkDataSourceAdapter based on a RetrofitPageFetcher.

interface RetrofitNetworkDataSourceAdapter<T : ListResponse<*>> : NetworkDataSourceAdapter<RetrofitPageFetcher<T>>

Retrofit Network Adapters for not paged endpoints.

Not Paged Retrofit Page Fetcher

The NotPagedRetrofitPageFetcher provides a method to fetch the data from a service source.

interface NotPagedRetrifitPageFetcher<T : ListResponse<*>> {
  fun fetchData(): Call<T>

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